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Предстоящи форкове на Bitcoin


Искате ли да има още форкове?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Искате ли да има още форкове?

  2. 2. Как ще се отразят тези форкове на Bitcoin - BTC ?

    • По-скоро положително
    • По-скоро отрицателно
    • Не мога да преценя

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Here is my list of Bitcoin forks (except the first two - BCH and BTG). Feel free to suggest a bugfix, addition or any other improvement.
Total number of Bitcoin forks: 33 (+1 Bitcoin Cash fork)
block 494000: UBTC phase1 begin
block 495866: BCD fork
block 498777: UBTC phase1 end, phase2 begin, UBTC fork
block 498848: BTH fork
block 498888: SBTC fork, BCX fork, OBTC fork
block 498960: BTA fork
block 499777: BTW fork
block 499999: LBTC fork, BTCS fork
block 500000: BTF fork
block ......: BITE snapshot (00:00 on December 21, 2017 GMT+8)
block 501000: BTN (Bitcoin New) fork
block 501118: BTT fork
block 501225: GOD fork, BIFI fork, FBTC fork
block 501407: BCP fork
block 501451: B2X fork
block 501888: BPA fork, BTN (Bitcoin Nano) fork
block 501949: BCO fork
block 501878: UBTC phase2 end
block 503888: WBTC fork
block 505050: BCS fork
block 505083: BCI fork
block 505888: BCA fork
block ......: BTCL fork (30th January 2018)
block 508000: BTF fork

Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) (1 BTC = 10 BCD)
- forked at 495866 (11/24)
- http://www.btcd.io/
- https://twitter.com/BitcoinDiamond_
- https://github.com/eveybcd/BitcoinDiamond
- seems to be working, seeing 30+ nodes

UnitedBitcoin (UBTC)
- forked at 498777 (12/11)
- http://www.ub.com
- https://twitter.com/United_Bitcoin
- https://github.com/UnitedBitcoin/UnitedBitcoin (github forked from core)
- Phase1 between Block 494000 and Block 498777, Phase2 between Block 498777 and Block 501878
- seems to be working, seeing 80+ nodes

Bitcoin Hot (BTH)
- forked at 498848 (1 BTC = 100 BTH)
- https://www.bithot.org/
- https://github.com/BitcoinHot/bitcoinhot
- no source code available

SuperBitcoin (SBTC)
- forked at 498888 (12/12)
- http://superbtc.org/
- https://twitter.com/SuperBTC2/with_replies
- https://github.com/superbitcoin/SuperBitcoin (github forked from core)
- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2546577
- seems to be working, seeing 40+ nodes

Bitcoin X (BCX)
- forked at 498888 (12/12) (1 BTC = 10000 BCX)
- https://bcx.org/
- https://github.com/bitcoinx-project/bitcoinx
- seems to be working, seeing 11 nodes

Oil Bitcoin (OBTC)
- forked at 498888 (12/12)
- http://www.oilbtc.io/index_en.html
- https://twitter.com/oilbtc
- no source code available
- mainnet launch 2018.01.15

Bitcoin ALL (BTA)
- forked at 498960 (12/12)
- http://bitcoinall.org/ (only in Chinese)
- no source code available

Bitcoin World (BTW)
- forked at 499777 (1 BTC = 10000 BTW)
- http://www.btw.one/
- https://github.com/btwone/btwcore

Lightning Bitcoin (LBTC)
- forked at 499999 (12/18)
- http://lightningbitcoin.io/
- https://twitter.com/LightningBTC
- no source code available
- mainnet launch 2017.12.25

BitcoinStake (BTCS)
- forked at 499999 (12/18) (1 BTC = 100 BTCS)
- http://btcscoin.com
- no source code available
- wallet release 2018/1/08

Bitcoin Faith (BTF)
- forked at 500000 (12/20)
- http://bitcoinfaith.org/
- https://twitter.com/BitcoinFaith
- https://github.com/bitcoinfaith/bitcoinfaith
- seems to be working, seeing 5 nodes

BitEthereum (BITE)
- forked at 00:00 on December 21, 2017 (GMT+8) (1 BTC = 3.940616 BITE)
- claiming deadline March 21, 2018
- https://www.bitethereum.io/
- wallet release mid-January 2018

Bitcoin New (BTN)
- forked at 501000 (2,100,000,000 coins in total, redistribution?)
- http://btn.kim
- https://twitter.com/BTN_top
- no source code available

Bitcoin Top (BTT)
- forked at 501118
- https://bitcointop.org/
- mainnet update 2018 Q1

Bitcoin God (GOD)
- forked at 501225 (12/27)
- https://www.bitcoingod.org/
- https://twitter.com/BitcoinGodOrg
- https://twitter.com/ChandlerGuo
- no source code available
- mainnet launch 2018 Q1

Bitcoin FILE (BIFI) (1 BTC = 1000 BIFI)
- forked at 501225 (12/27)
- https://www.bitcoinfile.org/
- no source code available
- network launch 2018 Q1

FastBitcoin (FBTC)
- forked at 501225 (12/27)
- https://fbtc.pro/index-en.html
- no source code available
- mainnet go live 2018.01.30

Bitcoin Cash Plus (BCP)
- forked at 501407 (12/28)
- http://bitcoincashplus.org/
- https://twitter.com/bitcoincashplus
- https://github.com/bitcoincashplus/bitcoincashplus
- mainnet launch January 14th, 2018

Segwit2X (B2X)
- forked at 501451 (1:1 BTC + Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoins) (12/28)
- https://b2x-segwit.io/
- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2595620
- https://github.com/SegwitB2X/bitcoin2x
- seems to be working, seeing 20+ nodes

Bitcoin Pizza (BPA)
- forked at 501888
- http://p.top/en/
- https://github.com/DAGBPA/BitcoinPizza/
- seems to be working, seeing 18 nodes

Bitcoin Nano (BTN)
- forked at 501888 (1 BTC = 1000 BTN)
- snapshot fork (no shared pre-fork blockchain history)
- https://www.btcnano.org/
- https://github.com/bitcoinnano/Bitcoin-Nano
- seems to be working, seeing 4 nodes, however unclear how to access the forked coins (seems the distribution hasn't happened yet?)

Bitcoin Ore (BCO)
- forked at 501949 (12/31)
- http://bitcoinore.org/
- no source code available
- wallet release Jan. 15th 2018

World Bitcoin (WBTC)
- forked at 503888 (1 BTC = 100 WBTC)
- http://www.wbtcteam.org
- https://github.com/worldbitcoin/worldbitcoin
- seems to be working, seeing 7 nodes

Bitcoin Smart (BCS)
- will fork at 505050
- http://bcs.info/
- no source code available

Bitcoin Interest (BCI)
- will fork at 505083
- https://www.bitcoininterest.io/
- no source code available

Bitcoin Atom (BCA)
- will fork at 505888
- https://bitcoinatom.io/
- https://twitter.com/atombitcoin
- https://github.com/bitcoin-atom
- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2515675
- https://github.com/bitcoin-atom
- no source code available
- mainnet launch December 2017

Bitcoin LITE (BTCL)
- will fork on 30th January 2018
- http://www.bitcoinlite.us/
- no source code available

Bitcoin Flash (BTF)
- will fork at 508000
- https://bitcoinflash.io/
- https://github.com/bitcoinflash/bitcoinflash

Bitcoin Uranium (BUM)
- will fork at Huh
- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2316506
- https://github.com/BitcoinUranium/bitcoin (github forked from core)
- "Coming 31th December 2017"

Bitcoin Silver (BTSI)
- will fork at Huh ("COMING 31TH DECEMBER 2017")
- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2311582
- no source code available

Bitcoin Private (BTCP)
- will fork at Huh
- https://bitcoinpvt.org/
- https://twitter.com/bitcoinprivate
- https://github.com/BTCPrivate/BitcoinPrivate

Non-Bitcoin forks

Bitcoin Candy (CDY) - fork of BCH
- forked 512666 (1 BCH = 1000 CDY)
- http://bitcoincandy.one/index_EN.html
- no source code available

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дано, ако повече борси поддържат даден форк има вероятността да се продаде на по-висока цена

иначе не съм я чувал/ срещал нова е явно, но и май обемите им още клонят към нула.

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Преди 1 час, Eric Arthur Blair написа:

С тея биткойн форкове-моркове-ще ви вземат парите и ще се облещите след време,но нека,поиграйте си  с огъня,щом имате желание!

Ако имаш да казваш нещо го казвай, не само да ходиш по темите и да врачуваш.

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метод за клеймване и продаване на BTF, BTP, BTW (надявам се и на BTN)

след като (по горе в темата сте си правилно клеймнали чрез bither->bitpie горе изброените форкове) моля си ъпдейтнете Bitpie,

като го отворите ще ви предложи да се ъпгрейдне с функция за вътрешен ексчейндж

след това, избирате си някой от монетите горе от форка от coin switcher и най долу посредата (под изброените транзакции) има един знак като за рециклиране (две стрелки като в правоъгълник) натискате там и ще ви отвори меню като на борса за покупко/продажба. от най-горе дясно избирате например BTW/BTC ще ви излезе че имате 0 баланс, за целта от дясно има бутон депозит, натискате го и ще ви изкара ново меню pie bank, прехвърляте си там (най долу дясно има депозит) всичко от pie wallet към pie bank, като минат няколко потвърждения (имайте търпение, никой не ползва тези шитни) ще ви излезе депозит който може да продадете в предното меню. после пак от този Pie bank, давате withdraw към Pie Wallet и ще си видите баланса на бикойна (например)

цените не са чак толкова зле, за шитни, които ги няма по борсите или са им забранени депозитите. 

разбира се, всеки може да чака по-добра цена, тя обикновено идва стига да имате търпение

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ако притежаваш BTX в портфейл, всеки понеделник получаваш 6% airdrop, някой може ли да потвърди моля ?


тук https://bitcore.cc/phpdrop/ може да си рег.-нете адрес-а и да получавате 6% всеки Понеделник

вече ми потвърдиха, че е legit

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Преди 14 часа, vamp111 написа:

някой инфо за някакъв форк на лайткон предстоящ ?

Предстои LTC fork и новата монета ще е Litecoin Cash (LCC). За един 1 LTC към 19/02/2018 ще получаваме 10 LCC. 
Интересното е, че ще се копае на SHA256.

Официален сайт: https://litecoinca.sh/

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Последно се оказа фейк... Не знам колко е вярно.


That said, the situation was markedly different yesterday, when it was one of the top gainers, clocking a high of $173.80. The price rise was reportedly fueled by a fake rumor that LTC was forking. However, the rumor was dismissed by litecoin creator Charlie Lee.

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